Central Committee of the National Command (Ba'ath Party)

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In the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, the ruling political party of the Arab Union, each of its twenty branches (each representing one of the union's 20 republics elects delegates to their Regional Command at their Regional Congress; these delegates are required to attend the usually triennial National Congress, a plenary meeting of all regional branch-elected regional command delegates. The National Congress elects a National Command, which is the highest party authority at the national (federal) level between National Congress Sessions.

The National Congress also elects a National Secretary to chair the National Command, and act on its behalf on a routine basis between National Command sessions, which are held no more frequently than every two weeks. Once elected, the National Secretary is permitted to appoint certain National Command members to the Central Committee of the National Command, typically a nine-member council chaired by the National Secretary, which acts as the National Secretary's advisory council when making decisions between National Command sessions.

Each of the twenty regional branches each have their own Regional Secretary, who like their national counterpart chair Regional Command sessions as well as a smaller Central Committee between Regional Command sessions.