Counties of Palestine

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The Republic of Palestine consists of 39 counties (Arabic: مقاطعات muqāṭa‘āt, sg. مقاطعة muqāṭa‘ah), which function as the first-level administrative division in the country's unitary system. Counties consist of several municipalities, which each have considerable devolved authority from the national government, while the counties themselves mostly exist for administrative purposes and to coordinate public services between municipal governments; the exceptions are Port Said and Jerusalem, which consolidate the level of county and municipality into a single government entity. Counties themselves can be grouped into one of five administrative regions, which are even less formalised than counties and simply exist for the organisational convenience of government and public services.

List[edit | edit source]

  1. Arish County
  2. Beit el-Arab County
  3. Bethlehem County
  4. Beersheba County
  5. Dahab County
  6. Deir Yassin County
  7. El-Bireh County
  8. El-Mallaheh County
  9. El-Qantareh County
  10. El-Ram County
  11. Fuad County
  12. Galilee County
  13. Gaza County
  14. Haifa County
  15. Hassaneh County
  16. Hebron County
  17. Jabal el-Baba County
  18. Jaffa County
  19. Jenin County
  20. Jerusalem County
  21. Khalidia County
  22. Khan Younis County
  23. Majdal County
  24. Nablus County
  25. Nahariya County
  26. Najd County
  27. Nekhel County
  28. Nazareth County
  29. Netanya County
  30. Port Said County
  31. Rafah County
  32. Ramallah County
  33. Sharm el-Sheikh County
  34. Sheikh Zoweid County
  35. Taba County
  36. Tour County
  37. Tubas County
  38. Tulkarm County
  39. Zahiriya County