Deputy Chief Constable of the Ontario Provincial Police
The Deputy Chief Constable (DCC) is the second-highest ranking sworn constable (police officer) of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), the main law enforcement agency of the Canadian province of Ontario. The DCC handles much of the routine responsibilities of the Chief Constable, especially in the latter's absence, allowing the Chief Constable to engage in various meetings, promotions and other public functions at which the Chief Constable represents the OPP. The DCC also becomes Acting Chief Constable in the event of the death or incapacitation of the Chief Constable, until the Attorney General of Ontario selects a new Chief Constable, often but not necessarily the acting one (the DCC).
Deputy Chief Constable and Chief Constable are the only ranks within the OPP which may each be held by only one individual at a time; the remaining lower ranks may be held by multiple individuals, such as the current roster of 7 Assistant Chief Constables (ACCs) or the 28 Chief Superintendents, with generally a larger number of constables the lower the rank.