Míchæíl Cæl Mác
Dr. Míchæíl Cæl Mác (b. 10 March 1966 in Kilmaid), known internationally by his anglicised name Dr. Michael Cale Mac, is a Killarne politician, diplomat and economist who has served since 1 March 2010 as Undersecretary of the Realm of Kilmark–Killarney, the highest-ranking minister of the Crown in the seven-member Cabinet of the Common Realm. From 2004 to 2008, Dr. Cæl Mác served as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and from 1999 to 2004 as the Common Realm's Ambassador to the United Nations under previous Minister of Foreign Affairs Rúman Caimsæg (1996–2005).
Dr. Cæl Mác graduated from the Royal University of Muntbroag in 1991 with a PhD in economics minoring in political science, joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a consultant in 1996. He has been professor emeritus of political economy at his alma mater since 2005. Dr Cæl Mác lives in Geailbroag, Milo with his wife Rhiussyn, whom he married in 1988.