Sheriff of British Columbia
The Sheriff of British Columbia, appointed by the Attorney General of British Columbia and directly accountable to the Solicitor General, is the highest ranking office and chief of the British Columbia Sheriff Service (BCSS), the provincial police of the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC). The current Sheriff of BC is Paul Corrado.
Much of the Sheriff's routine responsibilities are delegated to the Undersheriff of British Columbia (the BCSS's second-highest officer rank), allowing the Sheriff significantly more time to attend political and social campaigns and functions than would otherwise be possible. The Sheriff and Undersheriff typically meet each week to go over the Undersheriff's executive decisions, which the Sheriff may either veto or approve.
The Sheriff of British Columbia is under the jurisdiction of the British Columbia Minister of Public Security and Solicitor General, which also oversees corrections as well as post-incarceration parole and probation.