Executive Office of the President (Arab Union)

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The Executive Office of the President (Arabic: مكتب الرئيس التنفيذي maktab ar-ra’īs at-tanfīdhī) is the central administrative institution of the President (head of state) of the Arab Union. The Executive Office of the President is responsible for directly supporting the work of the President in his capacity as head of state, consisting of the most senior officials answerable directly to the President, including the President's chief of staff, executive secretary, administrative staff, senior policy advisors, the head of the Cabinet Liaison Office, the President's public and media relations team, the head of the President's personal security team, the State Security Council, the Presidential Budget Office, the head of the civil service, the head of the professional domestic service of the President and his family, the Executive Medical Service and head of the President's official transportation service.

The Executive Office of the President is to be distinguished from the Council of Ministers, the cabinet of the Prime Minister (head of government) and top body of the federal government's executive branch. The Prime Minister oversees all ministries and other executive agencies of the federal government via the Council of Ministers, with each ministry or agency responsible for a particular aspect of public administration at the federal level. By contrast, the Executive Office of the President is not responsible for overseeing the federal government but rather supporting the President's oversight of the government, as well as facilitating the proper and timely fulfillment of the President's responsibilities and the exercising of presidential powers at the President's unilateral discretion. As such, the Executive Office of the President had no power of its own beyond those presidential powers and responsibilities it exists to support.

The official head of the Executive Office of the President is the Vice President, although in practice the daily management of the Executive Office and supervision of its multiple components is the responsibility of the President's chief of staff. Most senior staff of the Executive Office of the President are political appointees who are unilaterally selected and may equally be unilaterally dismissed by the President. Several lower-ranking staff, however, particularly support staff and clerks, are employees of the civil service and can only be removed from office by the President-appointed head of their particular institution.