Security clearance (Lower Mainland Constabulary)

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The Lower Mainland Constabulary (LMC), the territorial police force responsible for all seven counties of the Lower Mainland, uses a system of security clearance which limits what police information, evidence, and other records serving officers and civilian personnel may have access to, according to their level of security clearance.

All sworn constables must pass the lowest of the six security clearance levels, as well as some civilian personnel working in more sensitive areas; higher levels are required of other officers and some of their civilian staff working in sensitive areas, the level required dependent on the sensitivity of the given area of jurisdiction. Civilian personnel are not permitted to receive the highest three security clearances (alpha, bravo and charlie), but May receive the lowest two (delta and echo).

Levels[edit | edit source]

The following table lists the five security clearance levels, in descending order, from lowest to highest; the "constables" value indicates the number of sworn officers with the pertinent security clearance, while the "civilians" value indicates the number of civilian employees with this clearance.

Level Constables Civilians