Jordanian National Police

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The Jordanian National Police is the main police service of the Jordanian Arab Republic, one of the 20 republics of the Arab Union. Its primary responsibilities are patrol of roadways including enforcing traffic law, investigation of crime, emergency response, and public order. Every municipality has at least one detachment of the Jordanian National Police, with larger cities having more detachments, the largest being Amman, which has a total of fourteen detachments/stations. The Jordanian National Police are directly overseen by the Jordanian Minister of Interior, who is a member of the Executive Council of Jordan.

The Jordanian National Police had a total of 50,330 members in December 2020. It has its headquarters at 1330 Suleiman an-Nabulsi St NW I’m Amman, which also serves as its second-largest detachment or station. The main training academy, largest station and primary storage facility and equipment services and training centre, which includes a prison, is called the Public Security Centre; it is located off Highway 40 in the city of Marj al-Hamam, just southwest of Amman proper within its metropolitan area.