Undersheriff of British Columbia

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The Undersheriff of British Columbia (USBC; French: Chérif-adjoint de la Colombie-Britannique) is the second-highest ranking law enforcement officer within the British Columbia Sheriff Service (BCSS) (the provincial police of the Canadian province of British Columbia).

The Undersheriff is appointed by and directly accountable to the Sheriff of British Columbia, who is her/himself responsible to the British Columbia Minister of Public Security and Solicitor General, a senior minister of the Crown appointed by the Deputy President of British Columbia on advice of the Premier of British Columbia.

The Undersheriff handles much of the routine duties and responsibilities of the Sheriff, and is also the deputy to which lower-ranking deputies typically report, freeing up the Sheriff's time for the multiple political, fundraising, diplomatic and other functions the Sheriff is expected to attend in a weekly basis. Once per week, on average, the Undersherrif meets with the Sheriff to report on the past weeks's activities, notably those done on behalf of the Sheriff, who can veto and subsequently undo/redo such decisions and actions as deemed appropriate by the Sheriff. The